MRI Resources

Resources for MRI techs
- Acorn NMR Acorn NMR Inc.
- Adelaide MRI Website (Australia) a great MRI site A Home Made Collection of Web Based Resources on MRI Issues. Prepared By Greg Brown
- ARMRIT® is proud to be the first certifying organization: to recognize MRI Technology as a separate and distinct medical imaging modality, to require MRI clinical experience and competency for eligibility, to promote formal MRI education with MRI clinical training for the MRI technologist, to recognize and approve MRI schools that offer MRI Technology as a full-time educational program leading to a career in MRI.
- Association of Managers of Magnetic Resonance Laboratories The AMMRL is a group of individuals who are responsible for the operation of laboratories and instrumentation for magnetic resonance spectroscopy, including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our main goal is to assist one another in providing the best resources possible for research and applications using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, through exchange of information and experience. AMMRL has no formal organizational structure, providing instead an informal means for like-minded individuals to find one other and explore issues of mutual importance. A steering committee is responsible for the operation of the group. Our primary means of interaction are by email, and in a session held at the annual Experimental NMR Conference (ENC). A directory listing of members, including information about instruments owned, also contributes to maintaining this community.
- Basics of MRI An online tutorial of the basics of MRI by Joseph P. Hornak, Ph.D.
- BioMagResBank BMRB’s mission is to collect, archive, and disseminate (worldwide in the public domain) the important quantitative data derived from NMR spectroscopic investigations of biological macromolecules. Relevant data are deposited by the scientists who generate them, and in consultation with these scientists, BMRB resolves any problems with the self-consistency and completeness of the deposition. In collaboration with the Protein Data Bank, BMRB provides links between the spectral data and associated atomic coordinates. BMRB works with the user community to develop formats for these data that can be parsed by computers and used for knowledge generation, alone and in conjunction with information from other databases. BMRB’s goal is to empower scientists in their analysis of the structure, dynamics, and chemistry of biological systems and to support further development of the field of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. Through international collaborations and mirror sites, BMRB endeavors to involve the participation of a wider group of scientists and to enhance its services worldwide.
- CABM Protein NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory The CABM Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory carries out structure and function studies of gnomically-defined protein targets. The lab uses both NMR and X-ray crystallography, along with computational methods, to address questions emerging from genomic and functional genomic analyses. The lab also develops software to automate structure determination by NMR methods. It is one of the principal nodes of the United States Protein Structure Initiative.
- CoolMRIstuff MY website is about Medical cutting edge technology, Medical procedures, cross sectional anatomy, medical conditions, research, Diagnostic tools, and other cool stuff. There is a lot of interesting things on my page for Medical Professionals & the public. Check out the video of a wheelchair stuck to an MRI machine. There are live video feeds for brain surgery. 3d reconstructions of the heart on You tube. links to many medical vendors.
- Fonar Upright MRI added 09/30/2011 20:01 Fonar Corporation, the MRI Specialist™, is the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of MRI scanners. Throughout 25 years of invention, development and production, Fonar has been on the leading edge of innovation in the MRI industry. In 1980, Fonar revolutionized diagnostic imaging though the introduction of the world’s first commercial MRI scanner. Now Fonar has revolutionized diagnostic imaging with its Upright™ MRI, the world’s first MRI that performs Upright™ Imaging and Position Imaging™.
- Functional MRI Home Page, Massachusetts General Hospital Welcome to the Functional MRI and Functional Neuroimaging Web server. This home page is currently under construction.
- In vivo MR Spectroscopy, Medical College of Wisconsin The research programs in the Department of Biophysics are also multidisciplinary in nature and our program has strong associations with researchers in other basic science and clinical departments. There is a history of quality graduate education in the Department of Biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Graduates have become successful scientists in universities, leading edge companies, and government agencies. The size of the program encourages the development of a close working relationship between students and faculty.
- International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is a nonprofit professional association devoted to furthering the development and application of magnetic resonance techniques in medicine and biology. The Society holds annual scientific meetings and sponsors other major educational and scientific workshops
- Introduction to MRI Welcome to the exciting world of MRI! This is a tutorial that will cover the basic aspects of MRI.
- Magnetic Resonance Centre, University of Nottingham This group develops techniques and hardware for MRI and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), particularly echo-planar imaging (EPI). It also works on the applications of these techniques, particularly in neuroscience. Most of the group are based in the Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre (SPMMRC), which is an annex of the main Physics building.
- Magnetic Resonance – Technology Information Portal the web portal for the ‘MRI Professional’. From the basics to the latest news, you should find it here at
- MR Angiography The protocols presented here are our current practice. They were developed on the basis of 10 years experience with thousands of body MR Angiography cases. We are constantly refining and updating these protocols as magnets are updated and new pulse sequences become available. We hope that you find these protocols to be useful. We would appreciate hearing about any problems, insights or suggestions that you may have.
- MRI Contrast Agents Although MRI was initially hoped to provide a means of making definitive diagnoses non invasively, we have found that the addition of contrast agents in many cases improves our sensitivity and/or specificity. Paul Lauterbur and his associated were the first to demonstrate the feasibility of using paramagnetic contrast agents to improve tissue discrimination in MRI. I have somewhat arbitrarily grouped this topic into the subjects listed below. If you would like to review the differences between diamagnetic, paramagnetic, super paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic; look over the magnetism section.
- MRI Metal Detector Blog Info on ferromagnetic detection and MRI safety & screening.
- MRI Safety The premier information resource for magnetic resonance safety. This web site is the official site of the INSTITUTE FOR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SAFETY, EDUCATION, AND RESEARCH
- MRI Technician Schools, MRI Technician Schools and Related Healthcare Programs. MRI technicians typically work in a hospital or at a university that has a hospital attached to it. You can also work at a doctor’s office or small clinic. Where you work and the size of market you work in, does determine how much you’re paid as a MRI technician. Those working at large hospitals in urban areas will work command a higher salary than those working at a doctor’s office in a rural area.
- MRI TutorWelcome to the exciting world of MRI! This is a tutorial that will cover the basic aspects of MRI.
- Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic MRI This blog is for educational and informational purposes only. If you are a patient, by using this blog site you understand that there is no physician-patient relationship between you and any authors on this blog. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The authors of this blog cannot answer questions about your specific medical condition.
- National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Florida State University The NHMFL develops and operates high magnetic field facilities that scientists use for research in physics, biology, bioengineering, chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and engineering. It is the only facility of its kind in the United States and one of only nine in the world. It is the largest and highest powered magnet laboratory, outfitted with the world’s most comprehensive assortment of high-performing magnet systems. Many of the unique facilities were designed, developed, and built by the world’s premier magnet engineering and design team of the NHMFL in collaboration with industry.
- National Magnetic Resonance Facility, Madison The National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) is an NIH-funded, Biomedical Technology Research Resource Center located in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Funding comes from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) and from user fees. The policy of NMRFAM is to provide state of the art NMR spectrometer facilities to users both locally and nation wide. The NMRFAM Newsletter keeps users up to date on the workings of the facility. Scheduling is done on a monthly basis allowing users easy access to the spectrometers. Where open time slots are available, users can sign up for time, weeks, days or even hours in advance. New users are encouraged to contact NMRFAM to discuss how our facilities can be used to support collaborative or service projects.
- NMR, Widener University The ideas for this site originated at an NSF Faculty Enhancement Workshop, Concepts in NMR, in the summer of 1994. I originally developed this site for a presentation at the 1995 National Science Foundation NMR Summer Workshop at the University of Rhode Island while I was participating in a second workshop on 2-D NMR.
- SMRT Sites of Interest (Great Resource) This is a partial list of NMR and MRI resources available on the World Wide Web. The content of these sites is not controlled or endorsed in any way by the ISMRM or SMRT. If you have suggestions for additional sites, or one of the listed sites seems no longer functional, please let us know.
- Web Spectra – Problems in NMR and IR Spectroscopy Welcome to WebSpectra – This site was established to provide chemistry students with a library of spectroscopy problems. Interpretation of spectra is a technique that requires practice – this site provides 1H NMR and 13C NMR, DEPT, COSY and IR spectra of various compounds for students to interpret. Hopefully, these problems will provide a useful resource to better understand spectroscopy. This project is supported by Cambridge Isotope Laboratories and the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
- Yale Diagnostic Radiology NMR Home Page The new Yale MR Research Center is part of a $176 million dollar research and teaching facility at Yale University School of Medicine. The imaging facilities include 33,000 square feet of laboratory and imaging space. This includes dedicated spaces for electrophysiological and psychological testing, for computing, and image and data analysis, and will thus contain all the resources for integrated studies of human brain function. It will house all our research magnets and personnel in one contiguous facility.
- To know more about digital imagining Click Here