Credits for ARRT CE Requirements*

Get 24 Credits today, all in one course, for one low price.

Category A, Online, Test + E Book “Radiography of the Upper Extremities“.

  • Thousands of technologists satisfied
  • Five star rating
  • Step by step instructions
  • Money back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Meets ARRT* CE requirements
  • Accepted by all states full credit
  • 15% off $139.93 $127.95
  • All online, finish your credits today

What Other Techs are Saying.

”  This is a great way to get credits. Quick and easy.   – Vanessa , FL

 ”  Well written with pertinent content, I look forward to the next one I order. ”   – George , NY

   Great information and very user-friendly! ”  – Sarah , VA

About ARRT* CE Requirements

The ARRT* requires 24 category A CE credits  every two years for radiologic technologists. You ARE now allowed to repeat a course that you took an the previous biennium.

Note that special circumstances may apply to techs who are recovering from probation, need CQR credits, perform mammography, or are also licensed in California, Texas, or Florida. Browse our site for more information on those situations.

Looking for something other than 24 Category A Continuing Education credits for ARRT and all other registries?