Nuclear Medicine Resources

Nuclear Medicine Links and Resources.R
- Canadian Nuclear Association THE VOICE OF CANADA’S NUCLEAR INDUSTRY The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is a non-profit organization established in 1960 to represent the nuclear industry in Canada and promote the development and growth of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.
- Clinical Nuclear Medicine This authoritative journal provides up-to-date information on nuclear medicine that can be readily applied to clinical situations. Written for both generalists and specialists in nuclear medicine, Clinical Nuclear Medicine ensures timely dissemination of data on current developments that affect all aspects of the specialty. The most practice-oriented journal in the field of nuclear imaging, its numerous illustrations show physicians how to apply vital information immediately in their everyday practice.
- Computer and Instrumentation Council, Society of Nuclear Medicine The Computer and Instrumentation Council is made up of Society members who have an interest in computers or nuclear instrumentation and their application in therapeutic, diagnostic or investigational nuclear medicine. It provides a source of information relating to computer and instrumentation science to the Society through meetings, seminars, and publications as well as promoting the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in this area.
- Department of Nuclear Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo Nuclear Medicine Technology is the health related profession concerned with the use of radioactivity for diagnostic, therapeutic, and research purposes. Nuclear Medicine procedures use radioactive materials to: (1) perform body function studies and organ imaging; (2) analyze biologic specimens; and (3) treat disease. The Nuclear Medicine Technologist is a highly skilled individual who, in conjunction with the physician, either directs or participates in the daily operation of the nuclear medicine department. The responsibilities are varied but include three major roles: technical skills, patient care, and administrative functions.
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) The IAEA is the world’s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. Organizational Profile The IAEA Secretariat is headquartered at the Vienna International Centre in Vienna, Austria. Operational liaison and regional offices are located in Geneva, Switzerland; New York, USA; Toronto, Canada; and Tokyo, Japan. The IAEA runs or supports research centers and scientific laboratories in Vienna and Seibersdorf, Austria; Monaco; and Trieste, Italy. See Offices and Contacts. The IAEA Secretariat is a team of 2200 multi-disciplinary professional and support staff from more than 90 countries. The Agency is led by Director General Mohamed ElBaradei and six Deputy Directors General who head the major departments. See IAEA Staff. AEA programmes and budgets are set through decisions of its policymaking bodies – the 35-member Board of Governors and the General Conference of all Member States. Reports on IAEA activities are submitted periodically or as cases warrant to the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly.
- Lund Nuclear Data Service Lund Nuclear Data Service Most services are produced in collaboration with the Isotopes Project, LBNL. Maintenance of the service has been discontinued.Nuc
- Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board The NMTCB endeavors to promote quality patient care and to serve the public, the profession, and employers by developing and administering psychometrically sound certifications for individuals to enter, continue, and advance in nuclear medicine technology.
- National Nuclear Data Center, U.S. The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) collects, evaluates, and disseminates nuclear physics data for basic nuclear research and for applied nuclear technologies. The NNDC is a worldwide resource for nuclear data. The information available to the users of NNDC services is the product of the combined efforts of the NNDC and cooperating data centers and other interested groups, both in the United States and worldwide.
- Nuclear Medicine Information Nuclear Medicine Information Created by Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar, M.D.
- Nuclear Medicine, Delaware Tech, Wilmington Campus Nuclear Medicine Wilmington Campus As a Nuclear Medicine Technologist, you’ll play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Your duties include preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals. Small quantities of radioactive materials are used to visualize and define tumors, malfunctioning organs, and observe the physiology of cardiac, bone, liver and other organ functions. You’ll combine your knowledge of computers with your desire to help people in this newly emerging field. You may work in hospitals, for pharmaceutical companies or be involved in research for industry.
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to regulate civilian use of nuclear materials. NRC is headed by a five-member Commission.
- MIR Nuclear Medicine Network Access Page Welcome to the MIR Nuclear Medicine Teaching File.
- Cardinal Health
- Radiolabeling and Isotropic Markers, This website focuses on the isotopes primarily of interest to organic chemists, which include the non-metal Main Group elements. Once prepared, radiolabeled compounds meet a variety of fates, but the goal is ultimately to detect the labeled molecule, fragment or metabolite: a suitable radiolabel or isotopic marker should allow normal chemical or biochemical processes to be monitored without causing any interference.
- Society of Nuclear Medicine The Society of Nuclear Medicine is an international scientific and professional organization founded in 1954 to promote the science, technology and practical application of nuclear medicine. Its 16,000 members are physicians, technologists and scientists specializing in the research and practice of nuclear medicine. In addition to publishing journals, newsletters and books, the Society also sponsors international meetings and workshops designed to increase the competencies of nuclear medicine practitioners and to promote new advances in the science of nuclear medicine. The Society maintains an active advocacy program to promote and encourage research and the advancement of nuclear medicine science and produces a number of programs to help physicians and technologists remain current with the latest advances. The Society also sponsors education programs for consumers to help them understand nuclear medicine and the constructive role it can play in both diagnostic and therapeutic therapies. The Society, which is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, maintains strong relationships with international societies of nuclear medicine, universities, independent laboratories and suppliers of both equipment and radiopharmaceuticals. It plays an important role in creating forums within which medical professionals from all medical disciplines collaborate on improving patient care.
- Society of Nuclear Medicine, Southern California Chapter The Pacific Southwest Technologist Chapter welcomes you to our Website and sincerely hopes that it will provide you with information that will enhance your professional life. We would also like to invite you to participate in the discussions of nuclear medicine professionals around the world by joining our listserve.
- T-2 Nuclear Information Service, Theoretical Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California Welcome to the T-2 Nuclear Information Service. This service is run by Group T-16 (Nuclear Physics) of the Theoretical Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy. Group T-16 combines the old Groups T-2 and T-5, but we are keeping the name “T-2” on these pages for historical reasons. This section of the T-16 web site concentrates on nuclear modeling, nuclear data, cross sections, nuclear masses, ENDF, NJOY data processing, nuclear astrophysics, radioactivity, radiation shielding, data for medical radiotherapy, data for high-energy accelerator applications, data and codes for fission and fusion systems, and more.
- The Journal of Nuclear Medicine Online The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) is the #1 peer-reviewed international journal in nuclear medicine and its allied disciplines. Results of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Journal Citation Report show that JNM moved from third to second place among 84 nuclear medicine, radiology, and medical imaging journals that are rated by the ISI.
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